Wednesday, June 30, 2010

seriously... who can blog regularly with a one year old?

Really.  I often feel I should be updating this more, but c'est la vie. 

A one year old is a busy, busy creature!  Olivia is currently into everything, loves books, dancing, and being outside.  She is her mama's daughter!  While listening to Pandora the other day, she got way into some Horrorpops song, while earlier could have cared less about Laurie Berkner.  Admittedly, I was a bit proud.

Recent new stuff:  she says "dog" and "bug" now, with a few others (mama, dada, an attempt at gordon, water, etc); tries to repeat whatever we say... for better or worse; running, she is full on running; giving the best hugs and kisses around; and being much more outgoing!  It's like she turned one and suddenly she was a toddler.  No one told me this happened overnight.

Josh recently passed the state nursing exams, and is officially working as a nurse!  We are beyond proud.  He is at work today, his first official day.  After taking a couple weeks between school ending and passing the boards/new job beginning, we have been busy.  (Perhaps another reason my blog has been neglected!)  While we miss him and I love having him around, our schedule gets a little out of whack.  I'm currently trying to figure out Olivia's nap schedule, the past couple days have been nap from 10am-noon, then 4pm-5pm (have to wake her up for dinner) then struggle with bedtime.  Today we played all morning and then walked from 10am-11:30, ate lunch and she promptly fell asleep.  I figure as long as she stays down for about 2 hours we'll be good for the day.

Pictures to be uploaded soon, I am taking this opportunity to do another quick workout!  I'm down to my pre-pregnancy weight, but am not yet satisfied with everything.  

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