Anyhow, we are back to teething like mad over here. Olivia has cut another tooth (#6) and is working on 2 more. It's odd the way they've come in though, she has her two bottom and two top teeth, the top left, and the right next to that the top left canine. So right now her teeth are totally lopsided! Weird, but I can feel the top right and right canine under the skin, so presumably we'll see those soon.
This morning Olivia and I were reading a book with animals in it, and a picture of a cow came up so I moo-ed. Now she has been moo-ing all morning! She also thinks "baa" is a laugh, so she laughs at the sheep picture. It's been cracking me up. She loves books, and all throughout the day she will go grab a book, hand it to me (or Josh), climb into our lap and then turn around and sit down. She is just so cute and funny, despite the fussy teething we have had a really fun week!
As far as words, Olivia doesn't say a ton yet. She says mama, dada, baba (baby?), uh oh, and ba (referring to the dog, usually, I think she picked this up from Josh saying "bad"... nice
Instead of saying "whazzat" she now points to EVERYTHING and wants you to tell her what it is! It's hilarious, she has a book with all these different pictures of objects so she's pointing and me and Josh are like "flower. flower. flower. baby. flower. cat. cat. cat. cat. cat. cat. cup. flower. cat." (the cat seems to be her favorite)
She's also started giving hugs to everything! I can say "Can mama have a hug?" and she lays her head on my chest and puts her arms around me! GAH it's so cute! She also LOVES hugging the cats, which is hilarious and cute!
She is just so much fun, and developing her little personality. Very determined. (understatement). She doesn't easily forget something she wants! I focus very much on this being a good quality when she gets older :)
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