Yep, we're there. Olivia got a potty around 11/12 months and has since been rather fascinated with it. Let me say that I had zero plans or expectations to potty train at 15 months, nor have we done any EC. Since she's been so interested in it, I would put her on it before her bath just so she got the idea.
So of course she went pee for the first time for Josh.
Since then, she's been going in it every day, several times a day. TMI WARNING: We've even had two poops! I am such a mom right now. A proud mama at that! Olivia also insists on being naked any time we are at home, which I suppose goes hand-in-hand with potty training.
As thrilling as all of this is, there really is a lot going on in our lives beside Olivia's pees and poops. I recently won a contest and got a free Intuitive reading with Jamie Roth ( I have felt as though I haven't had the time to even think about spirituality or the bigger picture since becoming a mom, though that is always in the back of my mind. My reading with Jamie has not only reignited that spark in me, but she left me with a lot of positive thoughts. I've not stopped thinking about it. There is a lot I want to post about this... but I feel like this is not the time (and may not be the place) to do so.
In addition to all of this, I'll be starting a diet on Monday. South Beach Super Charged. I'm down to my pre-baby weight (or close to it) but everything is so different. I'm actually in decent shape and have been running, but I feel uncomfortable in my skin. I guess that's the key. So we're all motivated in this house to get going on this diet. I'm aiming for 20 more pounds. So that's that. It's out there in the universe (sounds so expansive, especially considering the number of people who'll actually read this)!
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