Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Independence... it's so bittersweet isn't it? Olivia has been little miss independent lately. She wants to do everything herself, which I suppose is a totally normal phase that all kids go through.

We set up her room about 10 days ago, and she was SO excited. She picked out owls and birds for her theme (which I was ecstatic about! I didn't want a theme room that she was over in a week) and helped decorate. We talked about moving her bed in there, as she'd been sleeping really well in her own toddler bed in our room. She was totally excited about it, so in it went. And she just, slept in it. All night most nights since then.

It's amazing to see how secure she is; I feel like I've done a good job as a mama, because there has been no issues with the new sleeping arrangement. If she wakes up, she just wanders into our room and climbs into bed with me. However, I miss her! Another baby may or may not be in the cards for us, so sometimes I feel like I have to savor each moment in case she's my only.

This has been accompanied by the exclamation, "Mine do it!" about EVERYTHING, which is cute but, you know, time consuming.

Lots of my friends are sending their kids off to preschool for the first time today, and I think I'm having an absolute freak out moment... that'll be us next year. Yes it's cliche but my god, where did the time go?!

That reminded me of a funny thing Olivia's been doing... I get on Josh all the time about swearing in front of her, and luckily she hasn't picked anything up (yet). Yesterday we sat down to eat dinner and Olivia says, "Oh my gog! Jesus Christ!" As you could have guessed, she definitely got that from me. She also transposes the "d" and "g" sound, so it's hilarious! Basically impossible not to laugh. Oops.

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