Yeah, this is an awesome post. So, we have this dog, Gordon, who is totally a idiot. He's just a big doofus. So we all had a good laugh when J discovered this old punk song called "Gordon the Moron". We listened to it a couple times, J made a few jokes about it.
Fast forward a few months. I met a friend at a nice cafe with a play place, our children were playing while we enjoyed a chat and some lunch. From nowhere, Olivia gets super excited, running around the play area, yelling, "Hi, Mommy Moron!" And then I died. Especially when she yelled it a second time, in case there was any doubt what she was saying the first time around. For a 27 month old, she has a surprisingly clear voice.
I've been trying to replace "Mommy Moron" with her other favorite nickname for me, "HoneyMommy", which thankfully seems to be working. She has no clue what a moron is, or that it's not a nice word. She says it endearingly, as though she were saying "Mommy Dearest".
At the end of this day, we walked around a bit and I could tell Olivia was tired and a little overstimulated. So of course, I suggest going into a toy store. Oh dear. Massive, epic tantrum. In public. Sure, she's independent, happy, funny, adorable, sleeping in her own bed, etc... but this right here makes you feel like you are doing everything wrong as a parent. At least in that very moment. I had to call my mom to be sure it was normal. You see kids throwing fits in public all the time, and mostly think nothing of it... it happens, they are kids! But when it's your own child, you're pretty sure no other kid in the history of the universe has ever done this before. Truly, it wasn't even that bad. A little crying (fairly loudly) and she let me carry her out of the store. She was then terribly sad when we parted ways with our friends.
I guess the moral of the story is that even if it sounds funny the first time your child says something like "Mommy Moron" do. not. laugh. Do not encourage it in any way! Because it's so not funny when screamed in public ;)
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