Wednesday, February 24, 2010

almost 9 months

Whenever people ask me how old Olivia is, I've been responding with, "she's almost 9 months."  Kind of funny, instead of simply saying 8 months... I guess because I can hardly believe she's almost 9 months already!

We're all on antibiotics to get over the crud we've had the past week, so Olivia is feeling much better today.  She cut a tooth last night as well, she's seriously been a little trooper!  The unfortunate part of baby antibiotics are the side effects, which include some unpleasant and frequent diaper changes.  Poor girl!  She refuses to sit still to let me change her, so this has been a fun challenge of the day.  I have to practically hold her upside down by her feet with one hand while she wiggles and writhes around. 

I also had a revelation of motherhood earlier today when we went to the grocery store: there are officially cheerios in my backseat.

Olivia has taken several steps in the past few days, and is able to walk quite well holding onto just one hand.  I have a feeling she'll be walking in no time...

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