Saturday, January 1, 2011


Olivia is 19 months old now. I've decided to focus this blog a bit more on providing information and pictures for family and friends and have created another blog for my business:

But if you're here and you don't know me, or us, awesome! And welcome!

Anyway, it's a new year, and this one looks even better than the last. We had an incredible 2010. Olivia seems to be weaning herself, which is good. My goal was 18-24 months, and we've made it! She's down to twice a day (for nap and bedtime only) and then 1-2 times per night. Which I'm good with.


We had a wonderful Christmas with family. It's interesting to me to watch Olivia interact with family members, like her auntie and her stepsister. It's as if she knows they are family, and bonds with them very quickly. Which is really really cool.

Despite the little tantrums and neediness every now and then, I am loving this age. Olivia is so much fun. She is cute and silly most of the time.  She talks up a little storm now, her little voice is so cute! She loves all the snow, though is rather wary of snowmen (she roars like a lion when she sees one. Might think it's a pirate?). She loves music, we've been listening to mommy's punk rock lately and she dances! Melts my heart, that. She is my little helper... in fact she gets upset and frustrated when she's NOT helping. Awesome! It's a good distraction for her too, which is kind of hilarious.

Here's a gem from the mall this Christmas. Although she was stuck in this exact position the entire time, Olivia DID NOT cry! Proud of her for that!

A few more Christmas photos... such a little big girl.

A couple funny ones... priceless moments to be sure!

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