I think Olivia has always been called this. At least since she's been able to walk. She has been so independent lately, my little helper. Since I've been sewing at home daily, she likes to get into my fabric box and sit in the sewing chair like I do. She always helps me sweep and put away the dishes. It's pretty sweet, and I'm taking notes for when she is 15 and doesn't want to do her chores!
I feel extremely lucky to be her mama. Sometimes I have these realizations that she is SO my daughter... we've both got a little cold right now so we snuggled up to watch Toy Story 2 earlier. There is a song in the movie that is very sad sounding and during a sad part of the movie, and Olivia gets the full-on lip quiver and sniffle thing going! Sensitive, just like her mama.
She's not only been talking up a storm lately, but singing as well. Which is awesome! We recently had a big snow storm, and have been out playing in the snow. She insists on having snow inside as well, mostly to throw at and feed to Gordon. She will say "ball ball!" (toddler speak for snowball) and point out the door until we fill a cup with snow. She then eats it, dumps it on the living room floor and throws it at the dog while squealing with delight. She has yet to brave the tunnel we made outside though.
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