Is there such a thing? I know what you're thinking... do you ever blog about anything other than sleep? Or the lack-thereof? Well. Somehow in the wee hours of the morning a post begins to form in my head. And after three cups of coffee, voila! This is what you get.
I've actually determined that this current trend of crap sleep is due to the development of so many new words. Phrases even! Two nights ago, Olivia sat straight up in bed and started reciting every word she knew. It was actually hilarious, "hi, bye, mom, dad, wow, hat, apple..." (I look at the clock) "uh oh!"
This morning Olivia came out to see Josh's truck in the front yard, and clear as day she says, "dad home!" and goes to look for him. We leave the house to go to the grocery store and to Gordon, "bye dude!"
It's seriously cute and amazing. So I'm tired. So what. This is what it's all about. And no, I am not this little ray of sunshine at 4am (can you beg a 19 month old to sleep? Because I definitely do).
We are in a serious deep freeze here, so not much playing outside at the moment. We've been coloring (eating the tips off all the crayons), building block towers (I build, Olivia destroys), making english muffin pizzas together (smearing the sauce and eating all the cheese before it goes in the oven), and experimenting with various other crafts.
This is an incredible, fun, sweet age. If not exhausting.
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