Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mommy Moron

Yeah, this is an awesome post. So, we have this dog, Gordon, who is totally a idiot. He's just a big doofus. So we all had a good laugh when J discovered this old punk song called "Gordon the Moron". We listened to it a couple times, J made a few jokes about it.

Fast forward a few months. I met a friend at a nice cafe with a play place, our children were playing while we enjoyed a chat and some lunch. From nowhere, Olivia gets super excited, running around the play area, yelling, "Hi, Mommy Moron!" And then I died. Especially when she yelled it a second time, in case there was any doubt what she was saying the first time around. For a 27 month old, she has a surprisingly clear voice.

I've been trying to replace "Mommy Moron" with her other favorite nickname for me, "HoneyMommy", which thankfully seems to be working. She has no clue what a moron is, or that it's not a nice word. She says it endearingly, as though she were saying "Mommy Dearest".

At the end of this day, we walked around a bit and I could tell Olivia was tired and a little overstimulated. So of course, I suggest going into a toy store. Oh dear. Massive, epic tantrum. In public. Sure, she's independent, happy, funny, adorable, sleeping in her own bed, etc... but this right here makes you feel like you are doing everything wrong as a parent. At least in that very moment. I had to call my mom to be sure it was normal. You see kids throwing fits in public all the time, and mostly think nothing of it... it happens, they are kids! But when it's your own child, you're pretty sure no other kid in the history of the universe has ever done this before. Truly, it wasn't even that bad. A little crying (fairly loudly) and she let me carry her out of the store. She was then terribly sad when we parted ways with our friends.

I guess the moral of the story is that even if it sounds funny the first time your child says something like "Mommy Moron" do. not. laugh. Do not encourage it in any way! Because it's so not funny when screamed in public ;)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Independence... it's so bittersweet isn't it? Olivia has been little miss independent lately. She wants to do everything herself, which I suppose is a totally normal phase that all kids go through.

We set up her room about 10 days ago, and she was SO excited. She picked out owls and birds for her theme (which I was ecstatic about! I didn't want a theme room that she was over in a week) and helped decorate. We talked about moving her bed in there, as she'd been sleeping really well in her own toddler bed in our room. She was totally excited about it, so in it went. And she just, slept in it. All night most nights since then.

It's amazing to see how secure she is; I feel like I've done a good job as a mama, because there has been no issues with the new sleeping arrangement. If she wakes up, she just wanders into our room and climbs into bed with me. However, I miss her! Another baby may or may not be in the cards for us, so sometimes I feel like I have to savor each moment in case she's my only.

This has been accompanied by the exclamation, "Mine do it!" about EVERYTHING, which is cute but, you know, time consuming.

Lots of my friends are sending their kids off to preschool for the first time today, and I think I'm having an absolute freak out moment... that'll be us next year. Yes it's cliche but my god, where did the time go?!

That reminded me of a funny thing Olivia's been doing... I get on Josh all the time about swearing in front of her, and luckily she hasn't picked anything up (yet). Yesterday we sat down to eat dinner and Olivia says, "Oh my gog! Jesus Christ!" As you could have guessed, she definitely got that from me. She also transposes the "d" and "g" sound, so it's hilarious! Basically impossible not to laugh. Oops.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Getting Settled In...

This has been a bit of a process. Olivia is taking one of her very rare naps at the moment, so I'll have to make this quick!

We have finally moved and are settled into our new place. It seems to have a great energy and has really brought out the best in everyone. Aside from a particularly clingy toddler, life is good! We are enjoying getting things set up and Olivia has been the best project helper :)

Pictures to come soon, I still haven't gotten into a good routine for anything yet.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

We're Moving!

We have finally decided on a home, after almost 2 years of searching, waiting for the right time, etc. I am SO excited that we get to provide Olivia with a really cool house to grow up in, and a nice big yard, in a great little town. We move this weekend. Beyond thrilling!

Our house has been ready and packed for some time; we definitely did not wait until the last minute! It seems that Olivia gets what is going on, a little bit anyway. She seems a bit frustrated and upset that the house is in boxes (hello, tantrumville!) but often asks to drive by the "new house" which is pretty amazing.

Lots more updates to come, this is a very exciting time in our lives!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Firsts and Lasts

June 22, 2011 was the last time Olivia nursed. I gave it 25 good months, and I feel really good about that. It can be a little bittersweet, but we were all ready. It was rough for a couple days, but she has quickly gotten over it. She stopped on her own for about 2 days, and I just took that as a cue to create new nighttime routines and things like that.

Since then, she's completely stopped napping, except for the occasional snooze in the car. This is a bummer.

BUT! She sleeps through the night! In her own bed! I guess having an infant who was awake every 2-3 hours, then a toddler who still woke 3-4 times per night made me think I just wouldn't sleep well until she went to college (and then, I know what goes on at college)! This has been awesome, and great for everyone. We got her her own "big girl bed" a few days ago and put it in our room (until then she'd been sleeping in crib sidecar to our bed) which has been great too. She loves her bed, and I've only had to pick her up off the floor once. And she didn't wake up.

I'm all rested. It's pretty nice.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

First Horse Ride

So there is plenty I could write about, since her birthday Olivia is definitely a two year old. I think you know what I mean ;)

I'll write all of that soon, but for now I just had to share how adorable she was today for her first horse ride! We went to a great birthday party with a horse for the kids to ride. Although Olivia loves animals and likes to look at them, she was adamant about riding the horse, which surprised me. I suspected once she got up there that she'd want to get right back down, but it was quite the opposite. The entire time she was chatting away, "I ride horse, mommy, me like horse!" and has not stopped talking about it all day. The horse even neighed while she was riding, and instead of being scared she laughed and said, "horse neeiiiiighhhhh!" Hilarious.

The following photo was taken on my phone, I think some another mom at the party will be uploading some more tonight but for now this'll do. On my phone everyone looks great... just ignore the weird face I'm making ;)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

2nd Birthday

Dearest Olivia,

How on earth did this happen? You are two. You know, they say it happens way too fast, but you don't believe that until you wake up one day and you have a real live kid. Not a baby any more. You do kid things, like ride your trike and ask for jelly beans at 7am. I feel like I should write these things down more, but you, my dear, are a busy girl. Which is awesome. I wouldn't have it any other way, especially those moments when I stop and realize, "how cool is this?"

Recently we've been able to spend lots of time outside. You LOVE this. Please don't ever lose that desire to be outside and enjoy what is around you. You run around and chase the dog and cats, look at bugs, pick flowers, and then you say, "sit with me mommy" and we sit on the top step on the porch and just hang out.

We love running together. About 7 weeks ago I started a 5K fitness program that uses an iphone app to measure your distance, running time, etc. It tells you when to warm up and cool down, and in the middle it says, "run!" so when you hear this you scream, "run mommy run! Go mommy!" My cheering section! When we run with the dog and daddy, you cheer them on too. Usually I run a few miles away from the house and then walk back, and during that time you are looking out for chipmunks and horses, identifying colors and telling me stories.

You have a streak of determination and independence. This will serve you well in the future. You are so sweet, and a little shy. That's okay, you are a lot like me. Our personalities are so similar.

I will never ever forget this time, when I was the apple of your eye. I know you will grow up and things will change, as I said you are already independent and adventurous. But I'll never forget the days you'd wake me up, "hug me mommy!" and give me hugs. I want to write all these things to you, the little mistakes I made along the way so you don't have to make the same ones. I won't though, you'll figure these things out along the way. I will say this, though: call your mother. When you go to college, or when you go on trips abroad, I'm sorry but this is not negotiable. I call my mother every day now, and those times in my life when it wasn't at the top of my priority list are the times I made the most mistakes. Adventures. Whatever, I'll tell you about it when you're older ;)

I think I've done well, so far, as a mom. I've met my goals for a natural birth, breastfeeding and sleeping, and I wouldn't change a thing. I have never, ever let you cry. For the first year of your life, you slept on me and wouldn't let me put you down. While I probably could have used more showers during that time, I cherish it so much. You should know these memories are the best days of my life. Yes, I really am that sappy.

You've gone from this sweet baby who needed me for everything to this sweet little girl. You are the brightest light in my life, I love you!

Love always,


P.S. Thanks for finally calling me "mommy", rather than sounding like a mini-teenager ;)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Can I Just Have...

A whole slew of 2 year olds? Seriously, I mean that. Olivia will be 2 in 25 days (I know this because today, May 6th, was my initial due date. 25 LONG ASS days later I gave birth!) and she's like, a real kid now. Toddler moments, yes we have them, but overall she is so sweet and wonderful, I just love this age.

Earlier we went out for our run, and whenever we come back Olivia likes to run around outside for an hour or so. It's nice because I can sit on the back porch and drink a cup of coffee while she happily plays. We have "our" spot, where she always tells me to come sit with her. Today we sat in the spot (the top stair of the porch) and she repeatedly came up to me, kissed me on the cheek and said, "love you too mom, bye mom!" and would go down the steps to play. After a couple minutes she'd come back up the stairs and say, "hi mom!" and sit down and hug me. Then repeat. Holy heart melt.

We then went around and picked "daddylions" which are dandelions for dad. They are mostly smashed now, but it's the thought that counts ;)

Speaking of dad, Olivia has called us "mom" and "dad" since she began talking. She's like a little teenager. Anyway, J has recently been trying to get her to call her "daddy", which she's taken to. In addition, she's started adding the "y" sound to the end of many words, just out of the blue. "Me drink wog-y" (water, which used to just be "wog") or "touch mom's leggy". So funny.

It's amazing to me that just a few months ago she was practically nonverbal, and now at 23 months she's making up songs, talking up a storm.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

April Update!

Oh dear. I really didn't want to make this a once per month blog, but here it is! I suppose that's par for the course with an "almost 2 year old" though right? Busy busy busy! Although lately we've been busy in the best of ways! Business for me has picked up a bit, and Olivia has been busy making friends and developing like, overnight. It's amazing. She says sentences now! Puts together thoughts that, to me, seem pretty complex, especially if you figure she was hardly saying 10 words several months ago. It's funny... she HAD said lots of words, but just didn't really use them to communicate. Now it's non-stop.

Earlier today we were driving home and she was writhing in pain and grabbing her cheeks. I asked what was wrong and she said "teeth hurt!" Presumably her 2 year molars are starting to come in. But, what a relief for her to be able to tell me what was going on!!

She has also stepped out of her shell quite a bit. When Josh is home, she sure is daddy's girl. When he's working or at school, she often pretends to pick up the phone and call him, "Hullo, Dad? Livy. Dad, home! Bye!" Oh and she's decided to call herself Livy. How adorable is that?!

She also just adores my mom, and could really care less if I'm around when Grammy comes to visit. Recently we've been going to dance class and made friends there (both Olivia and me!) and had several beach trips with Jesi and Bennett. Olivia ADORES "Jes and Bent". She certainly seems to have this innate sense of people. Sometimes she warms up quickly and seems drawn to people, others she never really seems to feel comfortable around.

We are spending a lot of our day outside these days, which is wonderful. We go for runs using the jogging stroller, and Olivia yells, "run! run!" if I stop. Potty training is going well, though I haven't tried encouraging her to do it while we're out of the house. She also is very concerned when the dog goes outside, she stands at the glass door and yells, "poop!" at him. It's hilarious, but surely will bite me in the ass. Speaking of, we were at the "fancy" fabric store a couple weeks ago, I was looking at fabric and the lady who works there gave Olivia a couple fabric elephants to play with. We were paying and Olivia was getting a little fussy, so I pick her up. She looks right at me, puts the elephant in my face and goes, "butt!" and points to his butt. Which I thought was funny, although no one else laughed. Heh.

She does so many funny things each day, I really need to update this more.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

March Update!

I guess we've been a bit busy eh?!! With an "almost 2 year old" I'd say that's an understatement. She is my little wild child, always on the go. Currently she's talking up a storm, even putting together 2-3 word phrases and sentences.

Oh and that nasty ear infection? It turned into full on brochospasms... so that was terrible. Olivia was such a trooper, and had to be put on breathing treatments every 4 hours. Poor babe. Seems to be on the mend now, and we're stopping the treatments today.

We can't wait for spring, our driveway and yard are a muddy mess. We get out as much as possible, but with this cold she's had and the temps still in the 30's, we still feel a bit cooped up. We do get to go to Mommy & Me dance class every Monday and have made some friends in our playgroup, which has been a lot of fun for both of us.

Josh is finally back on a day schedule (as of this week!) and I'm hopeful that'll be better for everyone. Olivia seriously misses him, especially when he's at home and has to sleep. Now that she's learned how to open doors I've had to keep her away from that part of the house all day.

Last night was the 3rd or 4th in a row where Olivia had woken up for seemingly no reason and just wanted to chatter and sing, and be a nursie monster. For approximately 2 hours she was counting, pointing out body parts, and then singing Elmo's World... so extremely cute AND exhausting! I'm torn between thinking this could be a developmental thing, she's certainly happy enough while she's awake at night, or it could be related to my trying to wean her during the day. Maybe she's making up for it at night?? Or maybe both?? Either way, I'm going to go back to our old nursing routine (basically on demand, but really only 2-3 times a day... we were down to just nap and bed and I'd try to redirect her any other time she asked).

How much of this blog is me trying to figure this kid out anyway... God help me when she's a teenager, I'll be writing here every day!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

FU Ear Infection!

My poor little peep has an ear infection. Her first one. Poor babe. She's on antibiotics and seems to be feeling better, which is good. We've been having lots of snuggles and cuddles, and last night she slept from 10:30pm to 5:30am! The longest stretch ever! Then she went back to sleep from about 6:15am til about 8:45am! I guess she needed the rest, and her ear finally stopped hurting so badly so she could get it.

I'm on a new computer so no pictures to post, I need to get some new ones up soon though! My little babe is such a little kid now.... I can't get over it. She's saying many different words and a number of short sentences and phrases. She is still my little helper, we spent the morning cleaning up around the house. She loves sitting at my sewing machine, which is cute except when I'm trying to sew!

Olivia has never taken to any particular blanket or stuffed animal (well, Buzz and Woody... but she doesn't take those to naps or bed) but has recently become really attached to my hair. She likes to hold onto it to fall asleep. Kind of funny.

She's napping now; I am surprised because she slept so good and for so long last night I wasn't sure she'd take a nap at her normal time. Ah well. Nap time means mama's creative (and shower!) time!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

20 months

My little girl, 20 months. 20 MONTHS! How did this happen? In just a few short months you will be 2 years old. And one week later, I will be 30. Honestly I do not feel like I'm nearly 30, I feel young and vibrant and happy. Olivia is growing and learning by leaps and bounds, it seems I can barely keep up. We have tons of snow now, and went sledding in the driveway for the first time a couple days ago. Hubs and I pushed  Olivia down the sloped of our driveway while she yelled, "weeeee!" the whole time. Freaking ADORABLE! We had so much fun.

Now a non-stop talker, I'm not sure how many words Olivia says. Lots. Repeats just about everything. I knew this day was coming and have been curbing my swearing, I'm not particularly into kids *not* swearing or censorship, but I don't want to be that mom at playgroup. I'd also rather her not repeat the things we say to the dog when he farts for the millionth time (bulldog/pug farts are pretty much the worst thing in the universe, fyi).

We cut Olivia's hair for the first time on Tuesday. Bittersweet. She has little girl hair now, she doesn't look like a baby she looks like a little person. We'd been holding off on cutting it for quite some time, thinking she would eventually let us tuck it behind her ears or put a clip in it. No dice. It became so long in the front it would get in her eyes, though she didn't seem to mind.  Then cold season hit. Oy. The first time you realize your kid has boogers in her hair is a special moment in parenting, let me tell you. I'm actually compiling a list of those parenting moments... the ones where you feel as though you should be earning a merit badge for this stuff. I'll post a list of those moments in the first two years soon.

I have some other projects going on now, I'm contributing to a blog for non-traditional housewives/wives/mamas, etc. I'm the "mama" part of the blog. I sometimes wonder what Olivia will think of me as she gets older, and being cool is a factor in life. Will it be cool to her friends that I have rad hair and tattoos? That I listen to good music? Like I said, I don't feel old... or nearly 30. Although having my 15 year old stepdaughter here recently gave me some insight into teenagers. AND made me feel old, although that was mostly because I felt like I had to act "adultish" so she had a good idea of what a strong adult woman was like. That's a whole other blog in itself, that is. Anyway... I always thought the world of my mom, but I know there was a point when our tastes in music became opposite, I realized my sense of style was different, etc.

Recently Olivia has been obsessed with my hair. She likes to pat it down and "style" it, and at night she holds a strand of it (like a comfort thing... she's never taken to a blankey or a stuffed animal. I did just order a Toy Story stuffed Woody for her for Valentine's Day... I have a feeling my hair might get a break!). She likes to cover my eyes with my hair and peekaboo with it, and then gently pat it down to the sides. It's pretty adorable actually... and she looks at me like... well it's inexplicable if you've never seen that look in your child before. It's like you are the best thing in the universe to them, just perfect. I don't want to ever lose that.

I still have to edit the sledding pictures, but here is a recent favorite of mine that I've been laughing about for a couple days...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Toy Story

Olivia just loves it. She calls it "boo hat" (I don't know why). Along with a plethora of other firsts, including eating an entire grapefruit this morning. Since it's been so darn cold here we haven't been out much to enjoy the snow. I guess these long winter days are spent mostly inside, which isn't ideal but it is what it is! We do make it to playgroup about once a week. But, there are many requests for "boo hat" (which I don't always give in to... but sometimes do... oh, mommy guilt!).

Olivia is also officially a talker now. She'll attempt to parrot anything you say. Usually in a far cuter way! However, the hubs and I are currently having a disagreement with regard to one word, which I say is "ass" and he swears is "hat". Oy.

We spent a significant amount of time each day coloring. Olivia only wants to color hands and apples, which is quite hilarious. We also make lunch together, which is messy and interesting. So far toddlerhood is quite amazing, silly, and fun!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The 19 month sleep regression

Is there such a thing? I know what you're thinking... do you ever blog about anything other than sleep? Or the lack-thereof? Well. Somehow in the wee hours of the morning a post begins to form in my head. And after three cups of coffee, voila! This is what you get.

I've actually determined that this current trend of crap sleep is due to the development of so many new words. Phrases even! Two nights ago, Olivia sat straight up in bed and started reciting every word she knew. It was actually hilarious, "hi, bye, mom, dad, wow, hat, apple..." (I look at the clock) "uh oh!"

This morning Olivia came out to see Josh's truck in the front yard, and clear as day she says, "dad home!" and goes to look for him. We leave the house to go to the grocery store and to Gordon, "bye dude!"

It's seriously cute and amazing. So I'm tired. So what. This is what it's all about. And no, I am not this little ray of sunshine at 4am (can you beg a 19 month old to sleep? Because I definitely do).

We are in a serious deep freeze here, so not much playing outside at the moment. We've been coloring (eating the tips off all the crayons), building block towers (I build, Olivia destroys), making english muffin pizzas together (smearing the sauce and eating all the cheese before it goes in the oven), and experimenting with various other crafts.

This is an incredible, fun, sweet age. If not exhausting.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

My little big girl

I think Olivia has always been called this. At least since she's been able to walk. She has been so independent lately, my little helper. Since I've been sewing at home daily, she likes to get into my fabric box and sit in the sewing chair like I do. She always helps me sweep and put away the dishes. It's pretty sweet, and I'm taking notes for when she is 15 and doesn't want to do her chores!

I feel extremely lucky to be her mama. Sometimes I have these realizations that she is SO my daughter... we've both got a little cold right now so we snuggled up to watch Toy Story 2 earlier. There is a song in the movie that is very sad sounding and during a sad part of the movie, and Olivia gets the full-on lip quiver and sniffle thing going! Sensitive, just like her mama.

She's not only been talking up a storm lately, but singing as well. Which is awesome! We recently had a big  snow storm, and have been out playing in the snow. She insists on having snow inside as well, mostly to throw at and feed to Gordon. She will say "ball ball!" (toddler speak for snowball) and point out the door until we fill a cup with snow. She then eats it, dumps it on the living room floor and throws it at the dog while squealing with delight. She has yet to brave the tunnel we made outside though.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Olivia is 19 months old now. I've decided to focus this blog a bit more on providing information and pictures for family and friends and have created another blog for my business: http://punkrockpigtails.wordpress.com

But if you're here and you don't know me, or us, awesome! And welcome!

Anyway, it's a new year, and this one looks even better than the last. We had an incredible 2010. Olivia seems to be weaning herself, which is good. My goal was 18-24 months, and we've made it! She's down to twice a day (for nap and bedtime only) and then 1-2 times per night. Which I'm good with.


We had a wonderful Christmas with family. It's interesting to me to watch Olivia interact with family members, like her auntie and her stepsister. It's as if she knows they are family, and bonds with them very quickly. Which is really really cool.

Despite the little tantrums and neediness every now and then, I am loving this age. Olivia is so much fun. She is cute and silly most of the time.  She talks up a little storm now, her little voice is so cute! She loves all the snow, though is rather wary of snowmen (she roars like a lion when she sees one. Might think it's a pirate?). She loves music, we've been listening to mommy's punk rock lately and she dances! Melts my heart, that. She is my little helper... in fact she gets upset and frustrated when she's NOT helping. Awesome! It's a good distraction for her too, which is kind of hilarious.

Here's a gem from the mall this Christmas. Although she was stuck in this exact position the entire time, Olivia DID NOT cry! Proud of her for that!

A few more Christmas photos... such a little big girl.

A couple funny ones... priceless moments to be sure!